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Grant Applications

Applying for a Grant

Grant applications are open to all projects that meet the eligibility criteria for local, national and international projects. You can read more on criteria and the application process below, and access the application form here.

Our Purpose

To make a positive difference to the health of people living in challenging circumstances where access to quality healthcare is, for whatever reason, limited.

Our Themes

We support projects that tackle barriers to healthcare with innovation and compassion, whilst demonstrating sustainability. This year we also have a particular interest in receiving applications for projects which will support medical training in Malawi.

Project Criteria

The Board will seek exemplary projects in this category that demonstrate the following criteria:

  • The project must demonstrate sustainability
  • Shows tangible and cost effective impact
  • Have a charitable mission
  • Are backed by a track record of delivery
  • Tackle genuine barriers to healthcare with innovation and compassion
  • Share the values of the HOPE Foundation
  • Can provide a budget and breakdown of transparent project costs
  • Can provide quantitative and qualitative feedback, defined outputs and measures of success
  • Are nominated/sponsored by a Fellow or Member of the College (if based outside the UK)

What we DO NOT fund:

  • Large scale capital projects
  • Salaries, although sessional work and specialist contracts will be considered
  • Fundraising activity
  • Individuals (except for Fellows and Members, in good standing, where the activity to be undertaken matches the themes detailed above and clearly shows tangible impact)
  • Endowments

Application Process

It is likely that the largest grant will be in the region of £5,000 with smaller grants of circa £1,000.

All requests for support will be considered by the HOPE Foundation Board at the first meeting after the closing date for applications. Each application will be initially reviewed and those that meet the eligibility criteria will go to the Board for further review.

Requests for funding from individuals or groups based out with the UK will only be considered if they are nominated by Fellows or Members of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in good standing.

Where applicable we will seek further advice/ input regarding specific projects from individuals with relevant background and experience. Any information provided will be shared with Board members.

The HOPE Foundation wishes to work in partnership with projects, especially where volunteering opportunities for College Fellows and Members could form part of our support. We can also assist with access to the College as a venue and in joint PR initiatives.

The HOPE Foundation is not currently accepting grant applications at the moment. Please keep an eye on our website for future opportunities
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